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31/05/2023Position paperCompetitiveness & Single Market
SME Relief Package: What retail & wholesale SMEs need now and for their future
30/05/2023Position paperConsumer protection, Environment, Sustainability & Energy
Joint Business statement on the Corporate Sustainability Due Diligence Directive (CS3D)
17/05/2023Position paperPayments
Revision of the Late Payments Directive: EuroCommerce views
17/05/2023Position paperCompetitiveness & Single Market
Joint Statement on the Proposed Product Liability Directive revision may undermine Europe’s competitiveness
09/05/2023Position paperDigital, Technology & Payments
Joint Retail Statement on the Digital Product Passport: Considerations to take into account when selling products online
28/04/2023Position paperEnvironment, Sustainability & Energy
Joint business statement on safeguarding the environmental and climate benefits of the ESPR
19/04/2023Position paperEnvironment, Sustainability & Energy
Retail and Wholesale on hazard classification, labelling and packaging of chemicals (CLP)
17/04/2023Position paperEnvironment, Sustainability & Energy
The EU must keep the Internal Market legal basis to achieve the best outcome for a circular economy in packaging
13/04/2023Position paperTaxation
Single VAT Registration in the EU: Towards a Unified VAT Solution
12/04/2023Position paperDigital, Technology & Payments
Transatlantic retail industry views on preliminary adequacy decision of European Commission regarding EU-U.S. Data Privacy Framework
06/03/2023Position paperEnvironment, Sustainability & Energy
Retailers and wholesalers need energy price stability and supply reliability
23/02/2023Position paperDigital, Technology & Payments
Joint Industry Statement on the EU AI Act