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16/02/2024Position paperTrade
Coordinated Action in Response to Red Sea Crisis
13/02/2024Position paperTrade
Swift adoption of VAT in the Digital Age in the current mandate
13/02/2024Position paperJobs & Skills
European Sectoral Social Partners in Commerce to renew focus on the digital and green transition
13/02/2024Position paperJobs & Skills
Sectoral Social Dialogue Committee on Commerce Work Programme 2024-2025
08/02/2024Position paperEnvironment, Sustainability & Energy
Joint industry statement calling for thoughtful and science-based reuse policies in the transport packaging sector
08/02/2024Position paperCompetitiveness & Single Market
EuroCommerce: Restricting access to the Single Market will not improve the situation for farmers
26/01/2024Position paperTrade
International Customs Day: Joint Communique by Members of the Trade Contact Group advising DG TAXUD
25/01/2024Position paperEnvironment, Sustainability & Energy
Toy Safety Regulation: a too short transitional period for distributors will lead to harmful economic and environmental consequences
24/01/2024Position paperPayments
For retailers ‘cash’ is not always ‘king’
23/01/2024Position paperAgriculture, Food, Nutrition & Health
Joint statement – Stakeholders of all horizons stand ready for the strategic dialogue on the future of agriculture