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09/04/2021Position paperJobs & Skills
Comments on the first social partner consultation on EU action on working conditions in platform work
30/03/2021Position paperDigital, Technology & Payments
Digital Markets Act – key messages
23/02/2021Position paperCompetitiveness & Single Market
Territorial Supply Constraints
27/01/2021Position paperCompetitiveness & Single Market
Working together for a quick, safe & sustainable recovery of Europe’s hospitality sector
13/01/2021Position paperAgriculture, Food, Nutrition & Health
EuroCommerce’s Feedback to the Commission’s Roadmap on a Contingency plan ensuring food supply and food security
22/09/2020Position paperDigital, Technology & Payments
Why Europe Needs an Amendment to the Interchange Fee Regulation
10/07/2019Position paperCompetitiveness & Single Market
Territorial Supply Constraints: Impact on Consumer Welfare