
Moderator: Diana Filip, Deputy CEO JA Europe

Opening remarks: Salvatore Nigro, CEO JA Europe

  1. Christel Delberghe, Director General, EuroCommerce
  2. Giacomo MATTINÒ, Head of Unit, DG for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs
    Food, Retail, Health (GROW F3), European Commission
  3. Manuela Geleng, Director Jobs and Skills, DG Employment, European Commission
  4. Dragos Pislaru, Chair of the Employment and Social Affairs Committee, European Parliament
  5. Skillnet Ireland, National Government, Member of the Consortium
  6. Accenture, Member of the Consortium
  7. Janis Krievans, JA Latvia CEO and Chair of the JA Board of Executives, Member of the Consortium

Closing remarks: Lorenzo Gabrini Bellincampi, European Commission – Education, Audiovisual and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA)