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11/01/2022Press releaseDigital, Technology & Payments
DMA trilogues should result in clear, consistent rules across Europe
16/12/2021Position paperDigital, Technology & Payments
Draft EU Artificial Intelligence Act
09/12/2021Press releaseDigital, Technology & Payments
Europe needs ambitious digital policy for the retail sector
30/11/2021Press releaseDigital, Technology & Payments
Food distribution sector calls on EU to exempt medium sized businesses from costly NIS 2 cybersecurity obligations
10/11/2021Position paperDigital, Technology & Payments
Contribution to discussion in the EP and Council on the Digital Services Act
22/10/2021Position paperDigital, Technology & Payments
Joint Industry Statement on Targeted Advertisement and the DSA
23/09/2021Position paperDigital, Technology & Payments
E-commerce still growing: accelerated digitalisation of businesses and consumers
14/07/2021Public LettersDigital, Technology & Payments
Transatlantic industry urge swift agreement on EU-U.S. personal data flows
25/06/2021Position paperDigital, Technology & Payments
Comments to the Commission’s inception impact assessment on the Data Act
22/06/2021Position paperDigital, Technology & Payments
Revised Network and Information Security (NIS 2) Directive
21/06/2021Press releaseDigital, Technology & Payments
Retailers ask for a safe, trustworthy digital environment for consumers
01/06/2021Position paperDigital, Technology & Payments
Ensuring a safe and trustworthy online environment for consumers & a level playing field for businesses