Are you up to date with the latest developments of the EU Product Environmental Footprint and the EU’s Green Claims Directive? Discover how stakeholders in the food and beverage industry, from producers to retailers, can significantly reduce their Scope 3 emissions and enhance their impact on society and the environment through thorough ingredient- and farm-level F&B impact assessments and consumer communication. To learn more about this topic, join the European Sustainable Food Coalition’s online event, “Measuring and Communicating the Environmental & Socio-Economic Impact of F&B Products at Scale.” Event Program The program includes the following:
► 13:00-13:30 | European Sustainable Food Coalition Update and Q&A Markus Linder, Co-Founder & CEO of inoqo and Co-Initiator of the ESFC, will provide the latest developments within the coalition.
► 13:30-14:00 | Keynote “The Business Imperative of Investment in Farm- and Product-Level F&B Impact Assessments and Communication” with Andrea Roberto Rota, Sustainability Expert, Migros
► 14:00-15:00 | Panel Discussion: “Measuring and Communicating the Environmental & Socio-Economic Impact of F&B Products at Scale.” The session will feature insights from the following speakers:
– Grant Sprick (VP Climate & Environment, Ahold Delhaize)
– Malgorzata Golebiewska (Team Leader Environmental Footprint & Green Claims, DG Environment, European Commission)
– Pasquale DI RUBBO (Team Leader, DG AGRI – Unit on Policy Perspectives, European Commission)
– Koen Boone (Senior Researcher, Wageningen Economic Research)
– Els Bedert (Director, Product Policy & Sustainability, EuroCommerce)
– Agnese Ruggiero (Senior Manager Climate & Food, FoodDrinkEurope)
– Markus Linder (Co-founder and CEO, inoqo & Co-initiator ESFC) as moderator
The recording will be available afterwards through marketing channels.
EuroCommerce Speaker
Els Bedert
Director, Product Policy & Sustainability